Minutes continued
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LOCAL POLICE UPDATE – The Police will not participate in a Zoom meeting. Overall, for Wainbody Ward, crime has increased by 2.37%. Burglaries have decreased due to people being at home more, but car crime has increased. Always keep vehicles and keys secure. Crime figures for our area: 1 Theft from Motor Vehicle: 2 cases of Harassment: 1 Attempted Burglary: 1 Sending of a Threatening Communication.
After a five-minute break everybody was successful in re-joining the meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Website - Mick has contact details for 120 residents only. This is out of 750 homes that we support. The updated website is usually launched in the second week of each month. Google Analytics show that there is a reduction in mobiles when they are used to access the website, greater use is being made of PCs and tablets. In November 2020 there were 63 visits to the website. Peak time was within two days of the email being sent to our members. From November we have linked our web page to Google Analytics to enable Mick to look at daily activity for each page viewed. He is disappointed about the lack of feedback about the website and would welcome any comments and additions. A quiz has been included in the December 2020 update and this may also be put on Facebook to hopefully attract more. The Facebook page was created in August 2020, but this is not attracting as many people as Mick hoped, numbers are dropping, and comments would help. Mick hopes to develop Facebook further. Helen Fitzpatrick suggested some help via two other Facebook groups. Finances – There has been no income since March 2020. We currently have £782.38, less approximately £77 to be paid out before the end of January 2021 (newsletter printing and BestHost). From January 2021 for the Domain name the cost will increase to £7.50 per annum. We will not be collecting subscriptions door to door during 2021.
January 2021 Newsletter – we are struggling to attract any content and regretfully this may be the last issue. The newsletter currently reaches all residents on Styvechale Grange, including those who are not online. Volunteers to deliver the newsletter are needed. Since the meeting John B has emailed their contribution to Finham Parish Council’s quarterly magazine which contains more local information, for possible inclusion in our newsletter, web site or Facebook page.
George (Zoom Host) spoke about our Facebook pages. He stated that a number of people viewed our pages. There had been 194 views of the ‘steam train over bridge’ page and he gave some statistics which indicated that the number of views was quite substantial. Mick agreed with the figures but commented on the lack of feedback. Feedback is needed to stimulate others to comment.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS – Animal Pound – we are trying to establish ownership and responsibility for structural repairs. Disappointingly, the area in the pound itself is not currently safe until repairs to the wall have been carried out.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 7th January 2021 via Zoom or Thursday 4th February 2021 - at Grange Farm School? To be advised.