Last Meetings Minutes
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LOCATION – Grange Farm School

DATE – 7th July 2022
PRESENT – John Archer – Chairman, Councillor John Blundell, Mick Fitzpatrick – Treasurer, Sheila Weare – Minutes Secretary.
Plus 21 members of the Association.
WELCOME – John A welcomed members to the 14th Annual General Meeting. APOLOGIES – Geoff Barnacle, Paul Burke, Allan Clare, Bridie Clarke, Sue Clifford, Judith Cule, Vera Macpherson, Graham Mason, Jane Parfitt, Kirt Parshad, Anant Patel, Ann Pierotti, Sue Powell, Wendy Sneath, Frank Wood,
MINUTES – The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2022, having been posted online and circulated, were accepted.
MATTERS ARISING – Parking Around Grange Farm School – a near-collision between two vehicles has been reported. It is hoped we can build on recent progress made with the school when the new headteacher arrives in September 2022.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS – SGRA’s three officers have agreed to continue in their roles. If any member would like to join the committee, please make contact. Our two Auditors have also confirmed that they are willing to continue.
COUNCILLOR JOHN BLUNDELL – Animal Pound – Parks Department have raised an order with Frank W. Haywood, Structural Engineers, to construct a wooden frame to support the wall whilst a trial hole is dug to determine issues with the foundations. A report will be produced which will enable a schedule of works to be drawn up. A work costing document will be compiled which can be sent out to prospective parties or incorporated into a tender document. All these stages will have to be funded and discussions need to be undertaken as to where the funds will come from.
Parking Around Grange Farm School – photographic evidence is available showing vehicles illegally parked. A requirement for parking restrictions is being considered by our highways’ officers. A Traffic Regulation Order would be necessary. John B will obtain a schedule of where in the city the ANPR vehicle has carried out patrols, together with any fines issued and the amount of the fines. SGRA believes fines for illegal parking would serve as a deterrent around Grange Farm School.

LOCAL POLICE UPDATE – there has been very little contact with Sgt. Betts. The next police liaison meeting is at the end of July 2022, which John A will attend. No up-to-date crime figures are available. SGRA understood we were to have 42 extra officers to police the areas of Wainbody, Westwood, Whoberley and Willenhall, however Sgt. Betts and Inspector Moran seem to be unaware of this! Members have reported instances of a cold caller purporting to be from BT, checking Broadband speeds. BT have advised that this is not one of their employees and it is a scam – to obtain mobile ‘phone numbers. Reporting to the police on both 101 and/or WMNow is not very successful.
STREETWATCH - the team carried out three patrols in June 2022. A PCSO accompanies the team once a month. New members are needed. The team were thanked for helping to keep our area safe.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Finances - Mick reported that the end of year accounts have been signed off by our auditors. Mick thanked our two auditors. After expenses and taking into account proceeds from the raffle, we have £660.53. The school have not yet invoiced us for the use of the hall. Website – Mick advised that the animal pound is once again severely overgrown. There is no further news concerning the proposed wildflower meadow. Facebook – it is proposed to join our site with Stivichall History Group when the spelling of Styvechale/Stivichall can be agreed upon.